Shipping Updates
Fun fact: Bisbee is a geographical oddity, ripe with stairs and hills and mountains which means USPS doesn't deliver or pick-up ANY mail downtown. That's right, to send or receive mail all residents and businesses must visit the post office. Every order we've shipped out since 2014 has been walked down to the post office, and handed over to our lovely postal workers.

As our shipping volume has increased, this has become problematic. We're making numerous daily trips to the post office with armloads of packages, standing in line for as long as it takes (remember, the whole town has to come here for their postal needs).
But guess what? UPS offers pickup service here!

To streamline our shipping, and expedite your orders, we're removing USPS from our carrier selection. After chatting with our account representative, who has helped to bring our shipping costs down, we've decided to use UPS exclusively for your orders. Your shipping costs will be similar to what you're accustomed to, or even less expensive in some cases.